Marjo Autio appointed Marketing and Export Coordinator

Marjo Autio has started as marketing and export coordinator at Intermedius in May. BBA by education, Marjo has versatile previous experience in product design, sales and HR positions in various industries.

At Intermedius, Marjo’s tasks include, among other things, processing orders from both domestic and international customers, as well as tasks related to customer service. In addition, she coordinates the company’s marketing content in different channels.

– I live in Virrat but I was not familiar with Intermedius or the industry before. It feels great to join a company doing international business. I enjoy working with customers and at Intermedius, every day is different. The orientation process is still going on, and every day I learn something interesting for instance about the production process. For my part, I want to do my best to ensure that Intermedius succeeds and that jobs will remain in Virrat also in the future, Marjo emphasizes.

– We needed a versatile expert like Marjo for our efficient small team. We all warmly welcome her to Intermedius, confirms CEO Jari Honko